--7th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-2 --
Ay caramba! What a night! This season is certainly explosive! :bomb:

Primero, felicidades on surviving and making it to the final week of Austranded: Red Centre! I am sure you have much to say after tonight’s events, but here are some questions to guide you.

1. Both the votes were pretty clear majorities. Looks like most of you got your plans together ahead of tribal this time…but was anyone prepared for an idol play? Not like it was a secret that it was out there. How do you feel coming out of the double after saying adiós to Baden and Sarah?

2. Final week of the game! How do you make it through this week without joining the jury? Who are you hoping to get rid of before we hit the final?

3. Now that you’ve made it this far, it isn’t just about getting to the end. It’s also about winning in the end. We now have 6 people on the jury, and you are going to need them to vote for you. How do you convince them you deserve to win if you make it there?
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Lara Álvarez

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Lara Álvarez wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:58:46 pm Ay caramba! What a night! This season is certainly explosive! :bomb:
Primero, felicidades on surviving and making it to the final week of Austranded: Red Centre! I am sure you have much to say after tonight’s events, but here are some questions to guide you.

1. Both the votes were pretty clear majorities. Looks like most of you got your plans together ahead of tribal this time…but was anyone prepared for an idol play? Not like it was a secret that it was out there. How do you feel coming out of the double after saying adiós to Baden and Sarah?
Michellleeeeeeeeeeee is still hereeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!

That double worked out……….not terrible!!!!!

Firstable.. I REALLY didn’t think I was going to win that immunity challenge and I DEFINITELY didn’t think I was going to beat everyone by at least double their fucking score?????? Afterwards i was telling everyone “i thought i was going to lose i was going sooooo slow” but in reality i kept messing up and i was freaking out like… 63 was my bad score with less than half the time remaining and me in a very frustrated negative mindset lmaoooo was everyone throwing it????????? ….truly idgi and i dont like people seeing that kind of challenge performance... but cool i guess?? It was nice to be safe during that second tribal when the idol was played so i suppose i wasnt too mad about winning hahah

There wasn’t as much talk about double tribal plans as I thought there would be in the days leading up to it…. But looking at the paths it seemed like i would probably be able to navigate beyond this round regardless of which way the vote leaned and everyone keeps talking about a potential power player and i dont want that to be my perceived identity lmao…. Talking to jarrad and sharn and then mat and sarah… it seemed pretty clear that Baden was going to be the first vote... and it was a good play by mat for telling me that baden threw out my name hours before immunity challenge results even came out because when Baden came to me last minute trying to blame mat for saying my name it was more transparently sus of a time to disclose that…

it was very likely that mat and baden were actually shooting for each other and were both using my name as a decoy and i was never in any real danger anyway…. but neither baden or daisy came to me about hearing my name until minutes before the vote and by locking in a group of 5 to vote out Baden i could hold my immunity until the 2nd tribal bc the planning for that one was scarier

I was freaking the fuck out during that whole half hour of the first tribal…… i knew my name had been out there, i saw baden and mat whispering, i just crushed everyone in the immunity challenge and didn’t wear my necklace essentially being like “yeah i feel comfortable enough knowing i have the numbers to keep myself safe without even needing to use this right now” with a free pass to F7 if they didn’t take their shot at that first tribal…. But even with all that i wanted to take the risk and wait to use it bc i thought itd be cool to survive that while sitting on double immunities (1 they knew about...1 they dont) and not even need to use them to survive a double tribal…..and it worked out :smile:

Okay so moving on the second part…... Before tribal I said to a couple people that I thought getting rid of Daisy here would be a waste (bc i love daisy and id potentially like to sit next to her at the end lmao) but then when it came to presenting an alternative name to daisy that wasn’t ben bc of his idol…. The twist made it very hard to navigate

I wanted to be able to flip back and forth but gathering numbers for 2 votes in one day made that a very unlikely possibility. i did whisper to jarrad with the last minute switcheroo proposal but he didnt respond and without him i wouldnt be able to pull it off anyway so instead of scrambling for nothing…...because it was a surprisingly quiet tribal……. i just resigned to losing daisy and figuring out a new path today bc a bitch is adaptable but then…. BAM! IDOL!!! SARAH’S OUT DAISY IN!!!!! Already freaked out about that enough last night lmao

In the end the double did take out numbers from different sides and it did flush out ben’s idol!!!!!!!!! i was sad to see sarah go bc i got along really well with sarah and im going to miss my sleepy sister but her leaving without having to vote her out was pretty fucking sweet and now it put the target on ben and off me so thanks my ben <3 i didnt think he was going to play it because it was pretty much a double immunity necklace at that point.. Like voting for him was off the table because trying to plan for 2 boots taking the shot had such a high risk of him using it and no one wanted to be that victim… i thought he was taking the risk to sit on it and save it for F7 for a free pass to F6…. but now that’s gone and the only box left is the one sharn has & i have the tribe idol if ben doesnt win immunity then we should be able to take him out and then it’ll be F6 and I have the idol to secure me to F5 and that’s probably when I’m going to get voted out :rofl:


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i think everyone is playing great games anyone of these people can win.... honestly i have no clue who i could beat... i wouldnt want to sit next to ben with the under dog 2 idols challenge beast.. that should be what i get to say in the end so cant sit next to him....i think maybe daisy/sharn could be a possible f3 combo... maybe jarrad/sharn...maybe daisy/jarrad..... mat has a lot of connections so he scares me and then theres david which i don’t know i feel like he could take a spot in the f3 if he sticks around


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it feels soooo weird only having to click thru 6 chats at the bottom of the screen.... tribal seems so quiet.. i don’t know if its because theres less people or if maybe we're just really locked in on ben or if im in trouble and should be freaking out


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i feel like having an idol causing just as much if not more stress than not having an idol because i have to spend this whole time trying to figure out if i have to play it or can i keep it for one last round and im running low on marijuana because theres a dispensary near the wedding im going to this weekend that is very cheap so i was saving until then but i didnt time it out right and i need a nap


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