--7th Place - 7th Juror - Voted Out 5-2 --
By Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! So sorry for my disappearance and delayed confessionals but I’m back, beautiful than ever

1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?

2 - What did you think of the tribal swap? Shocker, much? Are you happy with the outcome?

3 - Now that you actually have some time this weekend to get to know your new tribemates, what are your opinions on them now? What are your thoughts on the forced swap power? Would you use it if you got the power?

4 - One last question since the Twilight Saga is on Netflix are you excited or no?

Anders Ofvergard

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By Michelle
Anders Ofvergard wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:10:43 pm 1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?
Okay so the last time I played Stranded I kinda started the game out on the bottom of my starting tribe i think kellyn got annoyed at a joke i said and there was an alliance made without me but i talked to chelsea so i found a way into the numbers and when we had to go to tribal straight away i was safe and voted in the majority....it was all so fast and overwhelming and it did end up setting me up well but it def could have been a better start

Those first 24 hours of morocco were crazier than the first like 5 days of this season..... so i thought it was an improvement like things weren't moving at warped speed and i found an idol and was starting to form good bonds with a daisy and harry and then BAM i was on the wrong side of the vote lmao.... i dont know if i'd call it a blindside? daisy started to sound like she was going to flip before tribal started so by the time votes were read i was like 85% sure harry was leaving.... but the repercussions of voting wrong on my relationships with ross&baden still exist even if it wasnt a full blindside :facepalm:

it seemed like daisy was still with me after and it wasnt a move against me... i did go straight to ross to try to smooth things over but i don’t know how he really feels about it... and baden never responded to me after tribal.... so i don’t know whats going to happen in the future with that storyline but for now i've just been fully immersed in this new tribe and starting with a clean slate... i didnt tell anyone i voted wrong i didnt want them to think i got harrys coins i just kept everything very vague lol but i'm forming some solid foundations with a couple people here so i'm optimistic!!!!!!

overall looking back it has been a crazy first week even if it seemed like it started out slow at first.... but maybe thats just bc i think yall really made us do a challenge and then vote someone out in like the first 5 seconds of morocco lmao.....so yeah it was nice having a couple days with no immediate deadline... this upcoming week is probably going to be even crazier so I'll be looking back on this moment of peace and think about how i didnt enjoy it while i had it


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