- Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:28:30 am
1. How has your journey been up to this point? Have you had an easy ride of it, or has it been a struggle? Do you feel like you are settled into a good spot, or working from behind?
Busy is the best way to describe it. The ride has not been easy, super bumpy, but the great part is that we never plan for anything. So if this tribe doesn't plan and coordinate, they are going to have a tough time breaking Ky-Mat-Jarrad up, it would have to come internally. So that would be a great blindside to get one of us, or one of us turn. I don't see the advantage of firing a shot at either of them, so I am going to keep riding the wave and try to stay ahead of them with votes.
We finally came up with a group/voting block. Tegan-Sarah-Impana 3. They have to see that we are all together, but if we can keep this train on the tracks is great for all involved. I feel in a good spot, but am going to keep playing like I'm next.
My Relationships as of Today
Michelle - super coy, very 1:1 and no one else in the group. I dont think either of us feel solid with the other, but on the surface we are never going after each other. I see her coming for me when she gets the chance.
Jarrad - Locked in to stay together far. Im gonna stick with him until given any reason not to. Hopefully if that reason comes up its small and not "cause he voted me out" our deal is now off, cause then I would be too late and feel like an idiot.
Kylie - Shes a gamer. I think she might have more lifeboats working than I do. Super paranoid and blunt which is an interesting combo. Working with her has been great in this game, but similar to Jarrad, when is she going to dump me. We are both great for each other right now and ill try to be on top of when its best for her to make a move and try to prevent it. Would have to be either soon, when she could gather the troops, or later, like much later when she feels in control.
Teagn - I want to keep Tegan in to have her around when we meet back up with Tessa. I will be on the bottom of that group when the time comes, but it could be a great branch into the other tribe//connect with people that I have not connected with yet.
Sarah - I want to go far with Sarah and might be in her #1 spot. She has 3 og greens left if/when she meets back up, but voting Casey out might hurt her stock with them. One to watch though as 4 people at a merge is dangerous. hopefully that 1/2 ranking BS and us being together, open and honest has paid off from some long term loyalty
Daisy - freaking really like Daisy, but with 7, someone has to be next and she is the least useful for my longterm I think. Michelle seems more beneficial and we talk more, so if I had to vote someone out next it would be her. I would happily do a quick pivot and find a plan to work with her longer, but the ball is rolling on her going soon and I dont want to risk my neck to stop it.
2. What is your focus moving forward? Are you thinking about the game one round at a time, or trying to look forward towards an impending merge and beyond?
Im trying to look forward and get insulated as best as possible. I think I have
Mat- Sarah
Mat - Michelle - less secure than my other relationships
Mat -Daisy - not really, but kinda
That is a good base again as long as no one compares notes. This round Michelle/Daisy have me the most concerned if they try to make a move, But they would have to involve two of the others and hopefully they would pick our side and help stop it rather than make it happen. Longterm, survive and advance and build up as much of a team as I can.
3. Give us a little more details on the dynamics of your tribe as you see them - like/dislike, aligned with/targeting, showmancing/disgusted by, etc. What do you want to happen if you lose again? What do you think will happen?
Im trying a little showmance with all of them (mostly Jarrad), not like that, but like make them enjoy having me around, talking to them. I hope its working.
4. Mysterious challenge, eh? Got any thoughts?
Man, some 1:1 trivia or something H2H. Just let us win please. Or maybe its a joint tribal with an exile and a who knows I'm rambling. I took 7 cause David did, so that will be bad or good (great analysis), but it was worth the chance.
*Let me know if there is anything else you want to know specifically