By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Immunity Challenge #10 - To Bounty or Not to Bounty

Overview: For today's challenge, it is a modified version of a challenge you have already competed in. This time, instead of your tribe, you will be competing with your Bounty for Immunity. So you will need to decide whether you will work with them to secure your safety, or work towards getting them out in order to snag a mystery box.

The two of you will have 20 minutes after announcing that you are starting to count as high as possible. The catch? You will alternate numbers, one of you taking odds and one of you taking evens.

If you mess up counting, you must start over again from 1.

The pair that counts the highest within 20 minutes wins Immunity and cannot be voted out at the first Merge Council, guaranteeing them both a spot on the jury.

- You must count in order.
- You cannot post more than 1 number per post.
- You cannot double-count or miscount.
- You are doing this challenge in your Tribe Camp in a thread started by you.

Person A: 1
Person B: 2
Person A: 3
Person B: 4
Person A: 5
Person B: 6

Time Limit: Challenge will end at 7:00c/8:00e sharp Sunday, August 1st. Results to be announced shortly afterwards.

Tribal Council will follow at 8:00c/9:00e, voting will be due at 8:30c/9:30e. You should prevote if you cannot be there live.

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Alright, I have the results of the Immunity Challenge.

Sarah/Tessa - 0
Baden/Daisy - 73
Kylie/Nova - 241
Jarrad/Jericho - 0
Michelle/Sharn - 186
Ben/Tegan - 222
David/Mat - 178

Congratulations Kylie and Nova. You are both Individually Immune, cannot be voted out at tonight's Tribal Council and are guaranteed spots on the jury.

Everyone else, i'll see you in an hour where one of you will be the last prejuror. Good luck.
Nova liked this

Jonathan LaPaglia

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