Immunity Challenge #5 - Once Upon a Time

Overview: For this challenge, you will have to pay close attention to the time. That's because you will have to post within a certain timestamp in order to win. Below you will see the letters that comprise the word I M M U N I T Y

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Image Image Image

You will specify an order below using 4 of your tribe members. All will go twice. Here's how it works. You will each have to post each an image of a letter of the word IMMUNITY in order. Seems easy, right? Not so fast...

Player 1: The first "I" must be posted with a timestamp ending with numbers 1-8 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5, :X6, :X7, :X8)
Player 2: The first "M" must be posted with a timestamp ending with the numbers 1-7 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5, :X6, :X7)
Player 3: The second "M" must be posted with a timestamp ending with the numbers 1-6 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5, :X6)
Player 4: The "U" must be posted with a timestamp ending with the numbers 1-5 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5)
Player 1: The "N" must be posted with a timestamp ending with the numbers 1-4 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4)
Player 2: The second "I" must be posted with a timestamp ending with the numbers 1-3 (:X1, :X2, :X3)
Player 3: The "T" must be posted with a timestamp ending with the numbers 1-2 (:X1, :X2)
Player 4: The final letter "Y" must be posted on a timestamp ending with 0 (:X0)

If at any time you post outside of your designated time stamps, your tribe must start over. You must post the correct working timestamp. You can take as much time between letters as you'd like. Your time stops when the Y has been posted.

- You must go in the exact 4-person order you post with each player going twice.
- You cannot change the order after you have begun.

Required Tribemembers: 4

First Place: Immunity, 3 Stranded Coin per tribe member
Second Place and Third Place: A date with me at Tribal Council following the challenge at 9c/10e.

Time Limit: Challenge will end at 9:00c/10:00e sharp Thursday, July 22nd. Results to be announced shortly afterwards.

Tribal Council will follow at 8:00c/9:00e, voting will be due at 9:30c/10:30e. You should prevote if you cannot be there live TWO tribes will go to Tribal.

Jonathan LaPaglia

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Ok, there was a typo, that’s what I get for rushing.

Council will start at 9c/10e. Votes are due 30 minutes later. I’m not going to force the last remaining tribe to finish before 8c/9e but have asked them to go as soon as they are ready so we can announce results immediately afterwards
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Jonathan LaPaglia

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I have the results of the challenge. Incredibly close, good job to all.


Unfortunately, close gets you nothing. Tjoritja! Wins Immunity and Reward!

Arumbera and Papunya, You have a date with me at Tribal Council at 9:00c/10:00e, with votes being due 30 minutes later.

These will both take place at the same time simultaneously, but you are still voting as separate tribes, one person out of each tribe.

Good luck, see you in an hour.
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Jonathan LaPaglia

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