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Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:31:56 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej again! Your Swedish Batchelor is back again, will you accept my rose? Time for some questions

1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?

2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?

3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?

4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?


Do you think you know your tribemates well enough yet to see behind the curtain of their alias? Take a guess anyway!

Before the immunity challenge results are posted tomorrow night (shortly after 7:00c/8:00e), you may do the following to earn additional coins.

1. Guess at your tribemates' identities - you will get 1 coin for each correct guess.
2. Guess at the identity of the new player among you (you do not have to choose a tribemate). If you are correct, you will get 3 coins.

Careful, because if a fellow tribemate guesses YOU correctly, you will lose 1 coin for each correct identification against you.

All coins will be distributed for this activity by 12:00AMc/1:00AMe tomorrow night. If you lose coins, you will not be told who has identified you. If you gain coins, you will not be told who you have identified. If you do not receive any may draw your own conclusions. This activity is optional, but the due date is firm.

Good luck mates!

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 3:56:24 pm
by Simon
loike soooo haaappy the inahctives ahh gone!

Honestly, I was feeling like shit yesterday and kind of freaking out a bit. I don't know if I'm overly paranoid or jumping to conclusions, but no one on my tribe has uttered a word of game-talk to me. It's been 5 days and nothing! Kylie brought up the fact that she has to regrout her grandmother's washroom and I was like omg I can't handle this any longer. Like everyone on my tribe is lovely and pleasant to talk to but I can't go another day doing this small-talk.

So you fear the worst and obviously you assume that people are talking game just not to you. So I was like fuck me I'm definetly going home if we lose the challenge. But then I talked to Mat and Jarrad and both of them said no one has talked game with them either. Which I find kind of hard to believe. Like, I can't help assume they're just humouring me. Hopefully not though because we did decide to kind of like work together if we lose a challenge.

So, I don't know where I stand. I could be in an alliance or I could not be. I could be staying or I could be going home. I just can't get over the fact that it's been 5 days and I'm the first one to bring up the actual game. We didn't sign up for this to find out we all enjoy banana bread. what are people doing? I just think that other people (on my tribe) must be talking about the game, just without me.

I've been trying for that Idol too. Oh my god, I literally know everything about Australian folklore and myths there is after the last few days! Except for whatever the password is! :dizzy:

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:13:12 pm
by Simon
My Guess for People's Identities:
(1) Jarrad: Michael from Tuamotus
(2) Mat: Tommy from Tanzania
(3) Kylie: Elizabeth from Tuamotus
(4) David: Eric from Kuril Islands



Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 7:44:27 pm
by Simon
Ew, I have a really bad feeling I'm getting voted off tonight. People are coming across as super shady. I feel like the other 4 are in an alliance and probably have been since the beginning or just decided to vote together.