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Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:16:26 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! So sorry for my disappearance and delayed confessionals but I’m back beautiful than ever

1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?

2 - Congrats on your first win as a new tribe! What's your plan moving forward? Win, win, win no matter what? Or do you think you would still be in a good position if you lose?

3 - Now that you actually have some time this weekend to get to know your new tribemates, what are your opinions on them now? What are your thoughts on the forced swap power? Would you use it if you got the power?

4 - One last question since the Twilight Saga is on Netflix are you excited or no?

Re: Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:59:23 pm
by Sharn
My rankings submitted just for tracking purposes.

Rank your Tribemates from Most (1) to Least (6) Important.

Re: Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 8:49:46 pm
by Sharn
I haven’t been feeling the safest on this new tribe and it was all but confirmed when the results came back with me being the least valued tribe member. Lucky, this status enabled me to bid for the power to cause an early swap.

Tegan, also being bewildered by her status in the tribe gave me coins to ensure that I won the power. This really cemented our relationship moving forward. I ended up giving her coins back plus an additional just to further show her good faith. When we swap into two tribes, I hope she’s on my new tribe!

Talking to the other tribe members knowing that in the one who caused this swap and endangered their position is a little weird. We all liked each other a lot, but that does me no good if I’m voted out regardless. I definitely think the other 4 are mad at me… but they aren’t showing it. I’m willing to work with them in the near future, but this swap will hopefully ensure that I have the leverage instead of them having it all. I may be old, but don’t count me out!

And as long as they all play nice, I’ll continue to play nice. 🙂