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Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:45:13 pm
by Juuso Makilahde
Hei! I'm your Finnish Friend Juuso! Bringing you some newish questions. I need to hear some juicy gossip so tell me everything you can!

1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?

2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?

3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?

4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?


Do you think you know your tribemates well enough yet to see behind the curtain of their alias? Take a guess anyway!

Before the immunity challenge results are posted tomorrow night (shortly after 7:00c/8:00e), you may do the following to earn additional coins.

1. Guess at your tribemates' identities - you will get 1 coin for each correct guess.
2. Guess at the identity of the new player among you (you do not have to choose a tribemate). If you are correct, you will get 3 coins.

Careful, because if a fellow tribemate guesses YOU correctly, you will lose 1 coin for each correct identification against you.

All coins will be distributed for this activity by 12:00AMc/1:00AMe tomorrow night. If you lose coins, you will not be told who has identified you. If you gain coins, you will not be told who you have identified. If you do not receive any may draw your own conclusions. This activity is optional, but the due date is firm.

Good luck mates!

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:18:59 pm
by Sharn
I definitely think things are going to pick up. With inactives gone and plenty of time for alliances to have settled, I think we're going to see some sparks. I was invited into an alliance with Sarah and Casey, so I feel some sense of security there. Casey was the one to pitch it. Again, I think if anyone has multiple alliances in this tribe, it's probably her. but for now, I feel secure.

We've only had access to one clue so far, so I'm not sure how likely it is that any of us has found it. I will say that Nova strikes me as a the power player type. Someone who's really strong in challenges well-seasoned in the game of stranded would probably be more apt at figuring out clues and achieving idols. I'm not one of those people, so I probably won't be buying any clues. Instead, I'll focus my expenditure on other in-game twists like extra votes or similar advantages.

I'm clicking with everyone in my tribe so far, but I have the strongest connection with Sarah and Casey so far. We're officially in an alliance, and I'm excited for it to offer my some form of protection. Jericho is the person who is lowest on the totem pole. I think he's sweet, but simply hasn't made a big enough effort with other tribemates to leave a strong impression. And compared to Nova's obvious challenge-strength, he would be the first to get rid of.

Nova revealed to me that Final 18 is when the swap should occur. Obviously she felt close enough to me to reveal that she was the recipient of the first advantage. It wouldn't surprise me if she also gained the idol quickly, so I'm afraid of what would happen in a F4 of our tribe. I'm not sure who Nova is closest to and who she would idol out. Knowing that the swap is right around the corner, her challenge strength doesn't really mean much for us. My dastardly side wants to get rid of Nova before Jericho even, but that's just an unnecessary big move, right??? RIGHT?!

I don't really have a strategy of ID-ing my fellow competitors. I'm not really involved in the scene, so I don't know who any of these people are. I'm always crunched for time, but one idea is to go back to some later seasons and figure out who the breakout stars were from those seasons. Then simply mass guess certain characters until I start getting correct answers. I don't think me knowing who people are actually gives me any type of advantage, but the coin accumulation definitely does! When I have some time, I'll have to invest in executing this strategy.

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:22:38 pm
by Sharn
I gave Nova 2 coins as a good faith to her. I think she's one of the strongest players in the game, so I want her on my side early on if possible. She has shared her swap power with me as well as her intentions to share the idol with me in case of a swap. I think it's the least I can do and will help me keep my bases covered within the tribe and ensure I'm not in any crossfire.

If we lose, it seems like it'll be between Jericho and Casey. Sarah and I are obviously pushing for Jericho since we're aligned with Casey. Nova was wanting Casey out first, but we're keeping our options open. Seems like Sarah and I are in power positions here with both Nova and Casey vying for our attention.

Nova and I strategized today and decided if we lose the challenge, we'll force a tribal switch. I assume we'd be swapping into two tribes, but I'm unsure. The worry is that if we lose the challenge, then lose the next, we'll end up going into a switch with only 3 tribe members. Some would argue that you could be used as a swing vote, but it's still a risky disadvantaged state that we don't want to risk.

Let's just hope we win!