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Episode 11: Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:17:46 am
by Lara Álvarez
Jajajaja, were you expecting the MERGE tonight?! :party: :pop: :confetti: I bet we caught you off guard – even giving you an unexpected day away from tribal! But now you have 13 other tribemates and an entire mess of connections to detangle and work through. :dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:

1. Your simple challenge ended up deciding your partner for the immunity challenge this round…but also your bounty for the next five. How do you feel about your partner? Do you plan to stay loyal and work together? Or are you itching to find out what’s in one of those mystery boxes?

2. As Jonathan said, all of the previous boots have been returning players. How does that news make you feel?

3. You have the weekend to reconnect with old tribemates and build connections with new ones. Right off the bat, who are your most trusted allies and primary targets? Any time this shifts – update us! Let us know how you plan to keep yourself safe at the beginning of this merge...and all the way through 'til the end.

4. Spill the tea! :tea: What’s the best piece of goss you’ve heard since merging? And who are your sources? icon_popcorn

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates, and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 11: Put Another Shrimp on the Barbie!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 9:21:46 am
by Sarah
I was kind of expecting merge, but I totally thought we'd have another challenge first!

1. Tessa messaged me immediately saying she wasn't going to go after me but honestly I can't trust that so I'm just going to hope we at least win the immunity this weekend! I do really like talking to Tessa since we were on a tribe together before, but you really can't trust anyone in this game. I guess keep your friends close and your bounties closer? :P I do lowkey wanna know what's in the box, but I'm only going to go after her if I feel like she's coming for me. I'd rather keep the peace for now.

2. I honestly thought there was a newbie on each starting tribe, so 4 newbies. I guess I probably just misread but I really have no idea who the newbie is. They could be new to stranded but not new to ORGS. Maybe an isolated player?

3. I am pretty sure Nova's got my back, but I know she's a huge target. I'm going to have to try balancing Kylie and Nova. Mainly Kylie because I don't want her to target Nova just yet. Kylie is the scarier player to me honestly. She's more loyal to Mat Tegan and Jarrad than she is to me. We have made an alliance of "5" but a lot of sketchy shit went down. But maybe that's my daddy issues just shining through, being a bit paranoid LMAO. Thanks dad. :P Sharn was friendly but like I think she's already formed a new alliance.

4. I have heard form Nova that alliances have basically been changing daily and they were all over the place. Kylie told me she heard there's a group of 4 between Tessa, Sharn, David, and Baden. But Nova thinks Tessa is closely aligned with her? I honestly have no idea what's true but they sound like a hotter mess than our tribe was lol.

Alright let me get my word doc ready. LOL
1. Nova - Lauren
2. Sharn - Newbie
3. Jericho - Joaquin
4. Tessa - Stephanie
5. Mat - Scott
6. Daisy - Robb
7. Jarrad - Dan
8. Kylie - Missy
9. Michelle - Erik
10. Tegan - Amanda
11. Baden - Rocker
12. Ben - Dale
13. David - Matty
14. Me - Hopefully not getting targeted by Tessa.