-- 8th Place - 6th Juror - Voted Out 2-(6) --
By Juuso Makilahde
Hei! I'm your Finnish Friend Juuso! Bringing you some newish questions. I need to hear some juicy gossip so tell me everything you can!

1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?

2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?

3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?

4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?


Do you think you know your tribemates well enough yet to see behind the curtain of their alias? Take a guess anyway!

Before the immunity challenge results are posted tomorrow night (shortly after 7:00c/8:00e), you may do the following to earn additional coins.

1. Guess at your tribemates' identities - you will get 1 coin for each correct guess.
2. Guess at the identity of the new player among you (you do not have to choose a tribemate). If you are correct, you will get 3 coins.

Careful, because if a fellow tribemate guesses YOU correctly, you will lose 1 coin for each correct identification against you.

All coins will be distributed for this activity by 12:00AMc/1:00AMe tomorrow night. If you lose coins, you will not be told who has identified you. If you gain coins, you will not be told who you have identified. If you do not receive any coins...you may draw your own conclusions. This activity is optional, but the due date is firm.

Good luck mates!

Juuso Makilahde

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By Sarah
1. I definitely think that the game is going to pick up a bit now, alliances are already starting to form. ;)
2. Our clue was only first available last night. It very may have been found by now. Sharn claims she didn't want to buy a clue. I have been HUNTINGGGGGG. I swear its the name of an island, but i went through a list and literally tried putting in every single island in australia lol. I probably typoed the one it was ... hope not though. If somebody found it, it was definitely Nova.
3. I'm clicking with everyone, but I've talked to Jericho the least. He seems to just not be online as much.
4. Honestly I'll probably let time tell because I'm not too familiar with other Stranded players.


1. Casey - Scott
Sharn - James
Jericho - Missy
Nova - Artis
2. Jericho?


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