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Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:02:24 am
by Lara Álvarez
Hola castaways! Lo siento por the late confessional post, your favorite hostess de España needed a siesta! Pero, we hope you have been spending your time getting to know your new tribemates after tonight’s SWAP! :shock: :mindblown:

Entonces, Qué pasa?!!! :tea:

1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:59:35 am
by Ross
1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

I was...about 85%. I caught a couple of votes at the last TC, and I do think I was in trouble. I think Michelle had a pretty good chance of pulling Baden/Daisy if we had another vote. My plan was to make nice with Michelle and try to grab Daisy.

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

David and Kylie seem to stand out. Kylie came right in with probing questions and challenge planning. Didn't really rub me the wrong way but obviously a source a tribe energy that will need attention at some point. I talked more to David, floating the possibility of the two duos getting together. That would be my preference, but there's plenty I don't know.

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

Pretty worried. Everything is still a crapshoot and I'm not really good at the "connective tissue" of this game. I'm not going to easily form those relationships where you talk for hours every day. It might be to my detriment, but I'm being somewhat intentional about not getting into that Quarantine Computer Loop. It feels like death to have so much screentime after QTine and distance teaching. That's not to say I'm not giving every situation my best, because I wouldn't have signed up if I didn't have the time to do that....I'm just going to have to win without being a mega social beast that takes a bunch of extra time to lather everyone up. It will require a lot of luck and other people doing some of the work for me.

I won an All Stars game of 24 people back in the day by dodging a few early bullets and letting the larger personalities kill one another. This is different, because that was not an alias game and there were warring factions that provided a ton of cover. I'll need to absorb much more risk to win this game.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:28:54 pm
by Ross
Identity Guesses

Sharn - Steph
Baden - no guess
Tegan - Steph
David - Tommy
Kylie - Steph

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:29:30 pm
by Ross
Newbie Guess: Sharn

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:57:53 pm
by Ross
Courtney is around here somewhere. I feel a disturbance.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:36:52 pm
by Ross
Kylie has such a Courtney vibe.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:38:46 pm
by Ross
It's all the questions and the misunderstanding you when you say things that lead to more questions that are then misunderstood. I recognize this feedback loop anywhere!

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 8:43:15 pm
by Ross
ill officially guess it tomorrow so i can get my mf coin