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Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:12:06 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! So sorry for my disappearance and delayed confessionals but I’m back, beautiful than ever

1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?

2 - What did you think of the tribal swap? Shocker, much? Are you happy with the outcome?

3 - Now that you actually have some time this weekend to get to know your new tribemates, what are your opinions on them now? What are your thoughts on the forced swap power? Would you use it if you got the power?

4 - One last question since the Twilight Saga is on Netflix are you excited or no?

Re: Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2021 4:59:42 am
by Nova
Hej mates! So sorry for my disappearance and delayed confessionals but I’m back, beautiful than ever

Hej, herre! Jag hoppas att du mår bra. Min svenska är sämre än min spanska.

1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?

I think the first week was actually quite a success, all things considered! I was able to keep my immunity for rather a lot longer than I expected to, and I got to shore up my position in the tribe by uniting us against Mark, so that worked out quite nicely. Kristie isn't really impressing anybody either, so I think that that actually bodes rather well for my chances of surviving if we wind up going to tribal again.

2 - What did you think of the tribal swap? Shocker, much? Are you happy with the outcome?

If I'm completely honest, I think that voting out Mark could actually have proven to be a fatal mistake for me. Voting out a skilled challenge player is always a dicey prospect when that's your own main claim to fame, because you really don't want to set an example for that kind of thing to be on the table. But on the other hand, being targeted and surviving can actually be a good thing. If people get it in their heads that someone has tried to get you out and failed, then they worry that the same thing will happen if they try to get you out, so they're less likely to want to try it. That's the same principle by which some people get really good at doing immunity runs - they win challenges, and people get used to the idea of "It's critical to beat this person but I keep failing at it" and they undermine themselves, so the challenge beast keeps slaying. Unless the challenge is a dropdown and there's a comma that should be there but isn't, in which case the challenge beast loses and gets like, sixth or something. *side-eye at Cambodia* This confessional kind of got away from me a bit there, but the point is, I'm happy with the outcome.

3 - Now that you actually have some time this weekend to get to know your new tribemates, what are your opinions on them now? What are your thoughts on the forced swap power? Would you use it if you got the power?

I think that this is a pretty solid team, or at least it's a team that I think I can survive on for quite some time, and should be able to power through to the next phase pretty well. Honestly, if I got the swap power I'd probably use it just for the giggles, because I did have the last one and didn't use it, and I feel like I'm a disappointment for not using it the first time around. If there's one thing that All Stars is about, it's about learning and growing from the regrets that you have from the first go around.

4 - One last question since the Twilight Saga is on Netflix are you excited or no?

I'm thrilled about Twilight being on Netflix. I haven't had nearly enough content to savagely mock until now, so this meets a real need for me.