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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 6:11:11 pm
by Mat
I get that it is a milestone, but man these people are f*cking stoked to be on jury. Like if I had a crystal ball and knew I was going out in one of the next few rounds, sign me up for Jericho's spot.

Are they all sandbagging, are they all just happy to be here?

I don't get it

I love the spot I am in, but also hate it cause I cant really make any moves. I have to just keep our herd marching in line. If I try any kind of moves to vote outside the group it could break the whole thing up, expose the Impana 4 and really cause some chaos. If no one thinks they are on the bottom of the 7, we might be in great shape.

Re: Jury

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:15:17 pm
by Mat
Yall must be hating this herd voting.

Re: Jury

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:47:36 pm
by Mat
Looks like the shots have been fired. At least this should be interesting from here on out. Someone is going to be lying soon about those stray votes and I love it.