-- 11th Place - 3rd Juror - Voted Out 6-5 --
By Jonathan LaPaglia
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Welcome Back!

Please have a look at the challenge that is due tomorrow at 9c/10e pm. To determine your tribe placement. Please do that ASAP, you can only start talking to your tribemates when you have completed the challenge and the game officially begins.

How are you feeling now that it's finally upon us? Can we expect a different version of yourself now that you're alias?

You can practice challenges and screenshotting in here using last season's: https://www.jigsawplanet.com/?rc=play&pid=03d0277d8479

When you're ready reply to the thread in the Starting Thread forum. Good luck!!

Jonathan LaPaglia

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By Kylie
Hi everyone!

As I am probably the oldest Stranded player, by as much as 40+ (!!) years in many cases, I decided to play as a much younger alias to lower the Susie detection factor. Also, Shane Gould's alias was already taken by the iconic Val (<3) in Austranded 1. My season was right after the last/first Austranded, so probably not too many have watched me play. I’ve never been on a podcast (except reunion) or any other seasons after Kuril, so my Stranded server profile must be pretty low.

I only made it to 12th place in my first season, but I did win a couple of awards and lurk a couple of recent seasons, so I don’t know, it’s a mixed bag. If my identity was outed, someone could try to use the awards I won against me as “big threat” evidence I guess, despite my low placement and comparative lack of ORG experience, but that seems unlikely.

The new me will be a 30-something single woman that just moved to Covington, Louisiana to caretake my grandma’s house, as the poor dear has just moved nearby to be in assisted care after major surgery (RIP my actual grandma - this will be a reverse Jonny Fairplay, but I haven’t ruled out my grandma re-dying at some point). Sadly, she is actually dead, poor dear. Y’all would have loved her.

My grandma stories are probably going to be mostly based on her life. Her name was Emaline, she was tiny and had white hair and baked pies. I mean no disrespect to anyone else’s actual dead grandmothers by reviving her here. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to kill off my parents or not. I’ll play that by ear. Again, apologies in advance. My pops is getting up there and I lost my mom a few years back, so no disrespect intended. Can you tell I’ve done almost no roleplaying like this before? I'll say I've grown up elsewhere, so my lack of Louisiana knowledge might not be so obvious.

Did I ever in a million years think I’d be playing an online Survivor roleplaying game where I resuscitate my favorite grandmother? No, no I did not. But here we are. Now that I type that out, it occurs to me – this grandmother schtick is such a Susie thing to do, someone will out me in 10 minutes. Michael probably.

I’ll be playing someone fairly different from myself. IRL, I’m 58 and I’ve singlehandedly run a small business (strategy coaching and writing services) for 15+ years now, after first a mental health counseling (my occupation on Kuril) and then a corporate career, so I will need to invent a normal 9-5 job to explain my daytime unavailability. I think I will be a new student advisor at a community college. I’ve never worked at a college, except as a contractor, but I did a similar advisor job in my 30s at a computer school, in between the counseling and corporate careers, so hopefully this won’t be too much of a stretch.

My alias is Kylie Evans, a firefighter with three kids and a husband. I accidentally met Kylie via Facebook this week when asking her fan page for gifs of her. She was very friendly and helpful, but she couldn’t find any gifs of herself either. I guess she runs the FB fan page now that her season is over.

I LOVE the alias, although I know next to nothing about her. I’ve only managed to get through the first three eps of Australian Survivor All Stars so far, which she’s not on. She’s a mom of three, and it would be tons easier for me to play as a mom, since I am one, but I thought having no kids would be a fun stretch. Her “too nice” persona sounds familiar and will be something I try to disguise. I need to figure out how to balance plenty of contact without getting known for it or seen as an expert at it.
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By Kylie
I suspect that a lot of the recent Stranded players who are actual women will be playing, like Alexis, Kara, Hope, Liz, so that should help me blend in a bit, although most are quite a bit younger than even my Kylie alias, but maybe they’d pick an older alias themselves, ha. I think it will be the most fun to see how this alias-playing works out for all of us. I love that the coins are based on alias-detection skills.

I’m also now pretty sure that Dean, Michael, Tommy and Iso Matt are playing. A few of the more active in the server people could be giving themselves away by hanging out in the rematch server while not actually playing rematch and having no stated reason for not playing. And some are probably going to be playing both rematch and this. I could not. And some of the above are playing neither game, reading this rn and wondering why I have such bad reads!

Thanks again for having me back, Poody and whomever the other Stranded Susie yay-sayers were. This org keeps me young and on my toes and is so much fun. It’s also chaotic and can get pretty ugly. I’m not yet sure if this org is a reason for therapy or the therapy itself. I’m an OG Survivor fan and I really do enjoy talking to people of all ages IRL, so I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to pretend to be 25 years younger well enough to last a few rounds and have some fun playing Austranded 2.

As a true fan of the real-life Survivor, I enjoy doing my part to offer a more realistic Survivor experience with players of all ages and walks of life and I’m happy that Stranded supports that and welcomes me. I’m thrilled to have found this ORG world and all you lovely people last February! And thank you so much to the hosts and staff for all your amazing efforts. It’s so fun to see what y’all’s brains, talent, imagination, deviousness and friendship can make happen; you guys are the best!


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By Kylie
The Plan: (some of you have seen this already, it’s slightly different as I modified it to answer the survey questions)

Lie low, wait to be approached first until it starts getting too awkward. Keep track of how often ppl reach out to me and see if that slows down. Don’t be too chatty with everyone, just a few people, try not to be soooo Susie this time. Explain absences and cut off too-long conversations with emergency grandma-related incidents. Try to keep the grandma story straight.

Alter some of my more common text habits and maybe swear more. I don’t swear much IRL. I may channel Rachel/Liz for this. She’s my Stranded server swearing role model. Just don’t be too shocked. I probably won’t be swearing AT people though, well, unless I know for sure it’s Randy. And probably not as much, just here and there for fucks sake.

Do sneaky stuff. I’m not sure what yet. Be sneakier.

Find a favorite contemporary artist. Maybe Ariana, (my actual fave is Freddie Mercury, but that would really date me). Phoebe Bridgers is amazing. Someone older too maybe, Jewel is another fav of mine. I’ll talk about Queen now and then to see who the really cool ppl are. I’ll even invent a love for Taylor if it comes down to that. I mean, "They told me all of my cages were mental / So I got wasted like all my potential". So relatable.

Find a pet. Maybe my cousin’s husky Hope. (The cats are doing fine btw and send their regards.) (My son is doing well also, for those keeping track.) Neither the cats nor the son will likely make the alias edit. The ex might though… I can’t remember if I told anyone where he was from on my last season, so he’ll need a fresh backstory. Or, you know, I could just go reread my last season to see if I mentioned it, if I get a spare week or two. AND IF A CERTAIN HOST WOULD EVER GIVE ME THE CORRECT PASSWORD. I’ll likely keep my ex’s actual highlight reel the same, so I don’t have to remember a made-up one. I might invent a tragic demise for him; it’s the least he deserves (kidding!).

Do the best I can at challenges. I’m optimistically hoping for middle of the road challenge performances unless/until I make it to merge. I aim to be slightly less pathetic than my last season in this category, where I set low expectations and consistently failed to achieve them. The new format of 24 hour challenges can only help me.

Look for idols. Find idols. Tell no one unless someone’s telling me that sort of thing and then only maybe. Minimize the power of any advantages, if discovered. I hope Joaq is still doing the clues! I hope I get to find out!

Join an alliance. Ideally, I’d like to join in the early stages of a majority alliance and try to make sub-alliances, so they all think they’re my top two. Make all other alliances silent and 1:1, have-each-other’s-backs, tell-each-other-if-we-hear-their-names sorts of alliances. Make secret alliances with people I hit it off with later in the game until it makes sense to merge alliances or something. Talk to all allies every day. Stay tuned to see if I can pull any of that ^^ off.

Make no new enemies. This one could be tough. I’m apparently unable to not say something when I get a whiff of blind hate, bigotry, misogyny, willful ignorance, etc. and folks don’t seem to appreciate it when I’m saying that something to them. Fortunately, I don’t expect that in this group, but it’s possible.

Have fun and don’t take any of it too seriously. Except this ^^.

Do voice confessionals sometimes, after first figuring out how to do voice confessionals.

Note: I was considering a fakemance, ala BB Canada 2 Kenny and our server’s Dean, for a half a second, but I’m now thinking that I will be recently divorced or something, and “not ready to date yet”. My inability to stomach such roleplay sadly overcomes the hilarity strategy potential. I have greatly reduced my fakemance candidate pool anyway with my choice to be 30 something and female.

I thought about going young guy with the alias, but my lack of current RPG, Pokémon and/or anime knowledge alone would out me as not 20 pretty quickly. There’s just no way I could believably pull off being a sweet-talking 20-year-old male for more than five minutes, even if a certain MAGAgynist makes the cast. That really would be hysterical though, a double-reverse Dean. I may regret not doing this. I hope that Ali and Jessica get the opportunity some day.

By the way, a The Circle season would be fun.

Otherwise, I’m just going to wing it. I’m happy to have another chance to play Stranded and Austranded is an ideal way to do it. Hopefully, I’ll last long enough to get to meet everyone.

Cast predictions and the new alias (also for the survey)

For Kuril returnees, my guesses are Matty and Chris and I think Randy is a possibility. I wouldn’t be too surprised to see Michelle, as she might be ready to play again. I’d love a cast full of Michelles, but don’t think I’ll be getting that wish. Shout out to Reem, who made my first ORG game so much fun on Kuril. I’d be thrilled to play with her again, but I would probably cry if she went all villain on my alias.

I will likely be able to detect some of the more colorful personalities from the newer Stranded, Isolated and Excursion seasons, but it’s hard to say who will be cast. There will probably be at least few legends from the first Austranded and earlier seasons, so that should be interesting. Val (<3) has been hanging around on the server more lately, as has Zeke from T&C. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Loveita play, as she’s only technically played Stranded once, I believe. I’d love a whole cast of Loveitas too, very interesting to talk to and great strategy, but not over-the-top chaos. Y’all might nod off, but we’d have an awesome time!

I’d probably be starstruck if I knew which of the Stranded legends and/or past winners were playing, so it’s best that I don’t know who is who. I was semi-sorry to see that Nofo wouldn’t be playing, as that would be so epic (imagine Nofo getting mad at me or us teaming up for a dynamic duo!), but at least he's hosting.

Cheers! :beer:


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By Kylie
I should clarify, that by "actual women" I mean those that currently identify as female. My apologies to anyone I've misgendered. My season was men vs. women, so gender was a big factor.


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By Kylie
Fact check: The dread stories in Mat chat are true. Both occurred when I was working as a mental health counselor, ages ago, and I was the counselor in the OD story, not the friend.


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By Kylie
Imagine the Shitpost regulars who are playing. Probably chatting with the same people in two different convos at the same time. I'd be so lost.


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By Kylie
I'm pretty happy Matty was the inactive! Hope it doesn't impact our team to lose a member though. His going reduces my chances that a Kuril rival is on the cast! Hope you're OK Matty, glad you're not here though.


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