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Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:05:02 am
by Lara Álvarez
Hola castaways! Lo siento por the late confessional post, your favorite hostess de España needed a siesta! Pero, we hope you have been spending your time getting to know your new tribemates after tonight’s SWAP! :shock: :mindblown:

Entonces, Qué pasa?!!! :tea:

1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 7:17:05 pm
by Mark
1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

I wasn't, but I also wasn't paying attention to the number of players in the game, of course we were going to swap at the next number that was divisible by 3. I was in a good position in my old tribe, and I think I'm in a fine position so far on this one. I have my closest ally from my old tribe and we both performed well in today's challenge which will make us valuable to keep around.

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

I'm excited to still be with Tessa. I'm annoyed to be with Sarah and Daisy. I very carefully organized today's challenge so that we could perform well as a team. I provided Sarah with a clock and careful explanation so that all she had to do was click a button when she saw the number I told her. Of course she ignores that and just clicks the button whenever, hoping for the best.

And then there's Daisy, all she needed to do was count the numbers and tell us when we got it right. She didn't even have to count quickly, because her NOT telling us we had succeeded just meant we had to keep trying. So color me surprised when she blows her one job and tells us we posted correctly on the first try. And I thought I was being rude when I suggested we ignore her and do 3 repetitions even if she says we already won because there was a possibility she would be wrong.

I mean ultimately it's fine. I was doing this for them so none of us have to get voted out tonight, but they can fail the challenge if they want to. Something tells me it's not the people who actually did the challenge correctly that will be targets tonight.

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

If we go to tribal, my decision will probably be based off challenge performance because that's a metric I think a group of strangers can get behind using to decide who to send home. I'm not super worried, but you never know what might happen.

My guesses today are that Sarah is the newbie and that everyone on my tribe is... Sophie. That's someone who played on my season, why not?