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Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:30:34 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej again! Your Swedish Batchelor is back again, will you accept my rose? Time for some questions

1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?

2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?

3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?

4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?


Do you think you know your tribemates well enough yet to see behind the curtain of their alias? Take a guess anyway!

Before the immunity challenge results are posted tomorrow night (shortly after 7:00c/8:00e), you may do the following to earn additional coins.

1. Guess at your tribemates' identities - you will get 1 coin for each correct guess.
2. Guess at the identity of the new player among you (you do not have to choose a tribemate). If you are correct, you will get 3 coins.

Careful, because if a fellow tribemate guesses YOU correctly, you will lose 1 coin for each correct identification against you.

All coins will be distributed for this activity by 12:00AMc/1:00AMe tomorrow night. If you lose coins, you will not be told who has identified you. If you gain coins, you will not be told who you have identified. If you do not receive any may draw your own conclusions. This activity is optional, but the due date is firm.

Good luck mates!

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:28:49 pm
by Jarrad
1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?
Yeah, it'll definitely pick up. Of course, I don't have any idea how the other tribes are working or any of that, but I know on Imanpa that everyone is definitely here to play the game and no one would go down easy. I don't think any tribal council at this point would be easy. I do think this is still obviously the easier part of the game, but it will more than likely only get more difficult and emotional from here. I'm just praying that we win immunity tonight so that I still hold on to my individual immunity and also get to see maybe a look into the other tribes.
2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?
I sure to God hope it hasn't been found! I feel like I remember going way harder at the idol in seasons past but I, for the life of me, cannot fucking figure out where to look for this. Is it Alice Springs related? I'm pretty sure it has to do with the Rainbow Serpent. I've tried every name I could find for the rainbow serpent. All of these mythologies. All these different aboriginal peoples of Australia. I mean, it's been really fun learning about all of it, but damn it, I want the idol! I did tell Mat that if I DID find it that I would tell him immediately because we've been sharing. I know that's kind of a taboo but when it's such close quarters like this, I would want to tell him just to show that I really do trust him. I'm hoping he would do the same for me but he doesn't seem like the type that's going to figure out the password. Also, it could have already been found and the password been changed, which I really hope isn't the case. I guess as long as I'm in everyone's good graces then I don't mind if anyone has found it already but I would really prefer if Mat or I get it.
3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?
It's hard to say for sure. I think in challenges, Kylie is probably the weak link. She is very eager and I love to talk to her and I think she'll be a great ally for me in the game, but she doesn't seem to be the best at challenges. She's slow, and last night, she unscrambled two of the words wrong incorrectly. Which, at least she was actively trying, but if I had to label a weak link on the tribe, it would be her. If we're talking socially, I think Simon is the most disconnected from everyone else, due mostly to the lack of a good first impression. He's more talkative now but he wasn't as talkative at the start, and with that being said, his replies are dry a lot of times and leave me without much room to work with as far as carrying a conversation goes. He is the only other person than Mat to offer me any kind of trust or alliance though, so that's definitely notable. If David doesn't offer anything to me I would feel really bad voting David out, because I would rather him be here than Simon, but again, I'm not going to vote Simon out if David hasn't tried to make a gamebond with me.
4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?
Yeah, I'm definitely not the one that's going to have much insight about who could be who in this. I wouldn't be surprised if I know some of them AFTER they've been revealed but determining who someone could be beforehand sounds next to impossible. There are so many people it could potentially be from so many seasons, and I have no idea how people act, talk, any of that, to be able to gather evidence and make a sound decision. So I'll probably just sit back and let time tell unless I catch wind of someone being someone. I'm very surprised Kristie isn't the newbie. I'll definitely keep trying at that because it can't hurt.

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:08:36 pm
by Jarrad
I'm going to throw out a random guess and say that Harry is the newbie.

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 6:23:36 pm
by Jarrad
Mat is Sean from Venezuela
Simon is Gina from Venezuela
Kylie is Kim P from Venezuela
David is Linda from Venezuela