By David
My last guess was Jericho, but I don't think I got that submitted before the deadline. If I did, let me know and I'll choose someone else for the new guess. If I didn't, my new guess is Jericho

For my tribe mates, I will guess Michael from S38 for all of the men. I will guess Kara from 37 for all of the women.


  • Uluru Tribe

    Uluru Tribe
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By David
I change my guess to Sharn. If I'm allowed to do that. Baden told me Jericho wasn't the newbie and Its not past the deadline yet so I figured it try!


  • Uluru Tribe

    Uluru Tribe
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By David
I'll guess Sarah for the new player.

Yo I totally guessed Kara not too long ago for someone on our tribe. I could have actually got a coin if I was with Casey shit! Total shot in the dark

I'll guess Charlie from Kuril Islands for all the men on my team. I'll guess Gabby from Morocco for the Women.


  • Uluru Tribe

    Uluru Tribe
  • Posts: 898
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By David
Im gunna guess Hope from Tuamotus for Daisy..... Let me know if I'm not allowed to do that lol

I dont know if Danni is a host or not. But I want to know if they are playing for sure, so I guess Danni from Turks & Caicos for every other cast member.

It's going to be funny if you're a host reading this


  • Uluru Tribe

    Uluru Tribe
  • Posts: 898
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