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Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:01:49 am
by Lara Álvarez
Hola castaways! Lo siento por the late confessional post, your favorite hostess de España needed a siesta! Pero, we hope you have been spending your time getting to know your new tribemates after tonight’s SWAP! :shock: :mindblown:

Entonces, Qué pasa?!!! :tea:

1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:15:31 pm
by David
Lara Álvarez wrote: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:01:49 am Hola castaways! Lo siento por the late confessional post, your favorite hostess de España needed a siesta! Pero, we hope you have been spending your time getting to know your new tribemates after tonight’s SWAP! :shock: :mindblown:

Entonces, Qué pasa?!!! :tea:

1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

I was. If you look back in my confessionals, I predicted the swap at 18 pretty early. As soon as I heard of the power that could cause an early swap, it was obvious. People on Banana team were hesitant, but I laid the foundation for the swap regardless. I just need them to remember it. I feel like I was in an okay position. Might have been next unless I could swing it to Jarrad. I don't mind a swap. I feel like I do well in situations where everyone is a bit confused.

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

Perfect to swap with Kylie. She will stay with me unless we become a minority. Ross has already approached me about Purple and Yellow sticking together. Im keeping my options open with open communication with Sharn and Teegan. But I have little feeling one way or another about the tribe. Ross and Baden are characters, but I like them. Teegan is sweet, and shes got a great sense of humor. Ive enjoyed speaking with Sharn as well. I do think it is interesting that Sharn told me her original tribe is super close and didn't want to be split up. Might mean she needs to go. Thin the herd.

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

I'm not worried. I feel like I have been able to provide some leadership to our tribe without being over bearing. If they cut me it would be a peculiar choice. It would take Teegan and Sharn teaming up with Ross and Baden. My choice is based off of how to best position myself for safety on this tribe, while shaping the merge tribe to un-earth a path to success for myself in the long term. A lot to weigh.

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:25:36 pm
by David
My newbie guess is Baden.

I have a new strategy to guessing the tribe. Guess people I have played with. I guess Chrissy from Turks and Caicos for Sharn, Kylie and Teegan. Brian from Turks and Caicos for Baden. Ryan from Turks and Caicos for Ross.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:12:56 pm
by David
Are the clues for this camp available for purchase? Just wondering if the idol clue system is transferable to our new tribes or not so I can plot out my strategy. No rush.