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Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:29:57 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej again! Your Swedish Batchelor is back again, will you accept my rose? Time for some questions

1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?

2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?

3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?

4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?


Do you think you know your tribemates well enough yet to see behind the curtain of their alias? Take a guess anyway!

Before the immunity challenge results are posted tomorrow night (shortly after 7:00c/8:00e), you may do the following to earn additional coins.

1. Guess at your tribemates' identities - you will get 1 coin for each correct guess.
2. Guess at the identity of the new player among you (you do not have to choose a tribemate). If you are correct, you will get 3 coins.

Careful, because if a fellow tribemate guesses YOU correctly, you will lose 1 coin for each correct identification against you.

All coins will be distributed for this activity by 12:00AMc/1:00AMe tomorrow night. If you lose coins, you will not be told who has identified you. If you gain coins, you will not be told who you have identified. If you do not receive any may draw your own conclusions. This activity is optional, but the due date is firm.

Good luck mates!

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:01:55 am
by David
Hej again! Your Swedish Batchelor is back again, will you accept my rose? Time for some questions

1 - With all 4 inactives gone, do you think the game will pick up now or continue at the pace it’s been going?

It is going to stay at at a snails pace until 2 things happen.
- Someone is voted off that is active, which will happen at the first tribal.
- When we swap at 18

2 - With the idol clues going out at a rapid pace, do you think your tribe idol has been found? If so, by whom?

No. If it has its Simon, or possibly Jarrad. I'm pretty sure Simon will get the idol, and don't think I can't gain enough trust quickly enough with Mat or Kylie to get the clues from them since the pace of the game has stalled. I am debating discussing with someone that i've seen Simon looking quite a few times and times, and being willing to let them have the idol in exchange for me helping them if they give me the clue.

3 - Who in your tribe are you not clicking with? Who is the weak link now that all inactives are gone and there is nowhere left to hide?

Everyone is clicking, so that isn't an issue. Now for how the others would answer, I would say Simon is the only one I feel like might put me for this question. We get along, I just don't know if others have talked game with him, since I haven't really. We don't really have a weakest link any longer. The weakness is subjective to what our criteria is, and I don't know that challenge strength will be the only one. I haven't been putting forth the maximum effort so I can ride a bit in the middle in terms of strength threat. I know that I will be pegged for being strategic since it is impossible to remove from my nature, but I am going to remain flexible to adapt to what the perception of me is in each situation where a decision needs to be made.

4 - Do you have a strategy trying to identify your fellow castaways or will you sit back and let time tell?

My strategy is almost the opposite. I am more focused on not being identified. I know that it is possible for me to have never played with anyone on the cast, and therefore I would be guessing off the website. My hope is that there will be an alternative means of earning coins for me to utilize. If not, I will just hope to get lucky by guessing the same IRL person for each player on my tribe to maximize my chances of identifying an opportunity to earn at least a coin each round.

You could say my strategy was to minimize the coins that I spend or lose, and guarantee a return instead of trying to hit it big but risking nothing every round. I might never get a coin from identity guessing. You never know.


Do you think you know your tribemates well enough yet to see behind the curtain of their alias? Take a guess anyway!

Before the immunity challenge results are posted tomorrow night (shortly after 7:00c/8:00e), you may do the following to earn additional coins.

1. Guess at your tribemates' identities - you will get 1 coin for each correct guess.

I looked at the cast list for the last season of Stranded, and it looks like a lot of people are talking about Aurora. So I will guess Aurora for all of my tribe.

2. Guess at the identity of the new player among you (you do not have to choose a tribemate). If you are correct, you will get 3 coins.
I will guess Ross is the Newbie.

Careful, because if a fellow tribemate guesses YOU correctly, you will lose 1 coin for each correct identification against you.

All coins will be distributed for this activity by 12:00AMc/1:00AMe tomorrow night. If you lose coins, you will not be told who has identified you. If you gain coins, you will not be told who you have identified. If you do not receive any may draw your own conclusions. This activity is optional, but the due date is firm.

Good luck mates!

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 5:11:55 pm
by David
What in the fresh hell is the blue team doing. They clearly didn't read the rules only one person competes

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 8:17:18 pm
by David
Idol me out Simon my body is ready

Re: Episode 03: The Melbourne Identity Theft

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2021 9:09:01 pm
by David
Looks like Dave won't be the first one out. Maybe second