By Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! What a fun night huh? Time for some questions

1 - So, the force swap power got used. What’s your thought on the swap? Who do you think used it?

2 - Do you feel like you’re in trouble with your tribe or do you feel you’re in a good spot? Anybody, you’re happy to be back with, anyone you’re not happy to be back with?

3 - Is there talk of anyone having an idol? Are you still trying to hunt for it?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Anders Ofvergard

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By Casey

SWAP- Well, I was feeling good about old Arumbera. I really liked working with Ben, Jarrard and Jericho- but at least this swap has brought me back with Sarah and kept Jarrard with me. This could be a good chance to connect with a few more people before a merge, so if i get to that point I have more bases covered. I MISS JERICHO!

In terms of the entire cast- I feel good with. Sarah, Sharn, Ben, Jarrard, Nova, Jericho- so I'm hoping that all stays in tact heading into a possible merge in a few more rounds. I am looking forward to having the chance to make more connections. I think Sarah said it best- the game is just starting now.


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By Casey
Giving up on the idol. I'm pretty sure someone has found it by now- in fact I thought Nova found it a while back on the OG Arumbera tribe. She's a player that should probably try and downplay her smarts and analytical side.


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By Casey
I 100% took that role in the challenge to improve my visibility with in the tribe. I know I’m not around ALL the time to chat so being present and contributing to challenges will probably do wonders for me both socially and as an attribute to the tribe


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  • Posts: 89
By Casey
Okay so somebody's pegged my identity which is awkward... LOL, hopefully, they like me because it won't make it that much of a bad thing that they know who I am- it could even potentially help me out a little bit. Nervous, but not gonna freak out, this could go two very different ways.


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By Casey
Getting to vote out Matt is lowkey a little satisfying because he kind of screwed me in my first ISO run. Aha, this is kind of funny. But weird he was so boring, he's pretty active on the server I think- or maybe not, idk and i'm probably boring to watch rn myself but ONWARDS WE MOVE.

He's also the first person that I recognize or have a connection with I believe!


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  • Posts: 89
By Casey
Hm I'm a little worried I'm bottom of the tribe right now. Obviously Ross didn't toss the name out of thin air- someone probably brought me up or mentioned something. I really want to make something solid with Sarah, Jarrard and Mat now- I feel like now's the time to start REALLY having the numbers to make moves.


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By Casey
I think I can manage, my numbers right now are four which can force a tie but the other three are all good socially and should be able to sway votes if I can't. All we'd need is one.


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  • Posts: 89
By Casey
I 100% felt safe at tribal but i REALLY wanted to downplay how good I felt and cry and whine about my challenge performance to get some sympathy moving forward.



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  • Posts: 89