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Episode 13: Nova? Sí va…a Ponderosa!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:07:27 am
by Lara Álvarez
Bueno, supervivientes! Your hottest hostess is back with some questions after tonight’s events! :fire: :fire: :fire:

1. You said adios to Nova tonight – resulting in two clear majority votes back to back. Is this merge as quiet as it seems on the surface, or is there something more chaotic brewing that you want to let us in on?

2. A live challenge for the first time this season! Do you think seeing this challenge play out live gave you any information on the tribe dynamics? If so, what did you learn?

3. Give us some more details on your plans moving forward – do you feel safe? Who is in your inner circle of trust? Who do you think is most dangerous for your game?

Don't forget to submit alias/newbie guesses! Since the challenge results have been revealed, they are due before TC starts

Re: Episode 13: Nova? Sí va…a Ponderosa!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 12:29:35 am
by Ben
1. I feel like a fucking idiot for not seeing this. Arambe 3.0 are fucking taking out Papaya 3.0. Jericho and Nova gone and all of us taken out first in the immunity challenge, fuck! So now me, Tessa, Sharn, David and Baden have come together and need to get one more at least, ideally Daisy to join us to at least tie it.

2. Revealed everything. I'm probably next to go if we don't get something going on our end. I'm too good at challenges, which is an odd thought.

3. Fucking Tegan, I want that bitch gone. She's at the tippity top of that side with everyone loving her, even me. Can't target her for that reason.