--4th Place - 10th Juror - Voted Out 2-(2) --
By Lara Álvarez
Hola!!!!!!! :loveeyes: :loveeyes: Dios mio! 10 of you have already left, and we are down to 14! Felicidades on your progress so far!

1. How has your journey been up to this point? Have you had an easy ride of it, or has it been a struggle? Do you feel like you are settled into a good spot, or working from behind?

2. What is your focus moving forward? Are you thinking about the game one round at a time, or trying to look forward towards an impending merge and beyond?

3. Give us a little more details on the dynamics of your tribe as you see them - like/dislike, aligned with/targeting, showmancing/disgusted by, etc. What do you want to happen if you lose again? What do you think will happen?

4. Mysterious challenge, eh? Got any thoughts?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Lara Álvarez

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By Ben
1. Honestly, I think I've had a bit of an easy ride so far. I've only been to two tribal councils and one of those was just to vote a member out of the tribe so only one true tribal council. Mark, left me his coins, which puts me at 20 now, which is more than I started with, I have an idol which can only be used at the next tribal council and I have a potential alliance starting up. I think I'm actually in a fantastic position at the moment.

2. I'm thinking one round at a time, but I've been sort of side tracked just trying to make it to the merge. I haven't planned much beyond that, which I'm going to have to start doing soon. Like real soon.

3. I've been talking with Jericho, Nova and Sharn about an alliance that they all seem to be down for. I was a little upset because that meant no Tessa, but Jericho and Sharn mentioned bringing Tessa in which is FANTASTIC. I love that broad. If it can hold us until merge, great but I think I'd like to take that further. Assuming we merge at 13, if we have a 5 person alliance, we would only need two more for a majority. If we win the next challenge, that is ideal. If we lose, I'm okay with it because I will play my idol to ensure my safety.

4. My first thought was another stupid swap. But Jericho brought up the idea of some type of one on one challenge between opposing tribes. I honestly have no damn idea.


I've been saying Kylie, Mat and Sarah are the only people I haven't met and just learned that there is a Daisy here. I seriously didn't even realize. LOL

I also have a thought of something to do in order to get me in good with someone. I'm thinking about giving my idol to someone if my tribe wins the next immunity challenge. I have a question though in order to make this potential decision: Am I able to give my idol to someone on another tribe and if so, will they know that it came from me?

Newbie guess: Baden


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