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Episode 07: An Icon Dies Tonight

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:39:54 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! What a fun night huh? Time for some questions

1 - So, the force swap power got used. What’s your thought on the swap? Who do you think used it?

2 - Do you feel like you’re in trouble with your tribe or do you feel you’re in a good spot? Anybody, you’re happy to be back with, anyone you’re not happy to be back with?

3 - Is there talk of anyone having an idol? Are you still trying to hunt for it?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 07: An Icon Dies Tonight

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 11:09:02 pm
by Ben
1. It's alright. I'm sick of the fucking swapping already, though. It was Sharn.

2. I think I'm in an okay spot, but I'm not certain yet. I think I'm good with Jericho and Tessa. Mark I'm unsure of at this point. Then there's David, Nova, Baden and Sharn. I just want to get to final 14 since I have my idol I can get to final 13. I assume that's the merge since the final 14 is when my idol can be played until. Sharn should be an easy vote but it might make more sense to use her as a number if need be.

3. Although I'd love to find another idol, it's not worth the time looking since it's probably been found anyway.


I think overall I've been doing amazingly. Finding an idol, doing very well in challenges and being ranked #1 on my previous tribe in that challenge? Jesus titty fucking Christ, I'm on fire. I worry that this could harm me being ranked #1 though, but that at least means that the people on my tribe at the time liked and/or trusted me, which can be beneficial.

In case you haven't noticed I've kind of abandoned my plan of playing like a lunatic since I've been doing so well I might actually have a chance to go far in the game and don't wanna fuck it up.

Re: Episode 07: An Icon Dies Tonight

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:57:20 pm
by Ben
Hey, I don't know if it's just me but I never received those 3 coins for getting first place in the last immunity challenge. DA FUCK?