Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:07:20 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! So sorry for my disappearance and delayed confessionals but I’m back, beautiful than ever
1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?
2 - What did you think of the tribal swap? Shocker, much? Are you happy with the outcome?
3 - Now that you actually have some time this weekend to get to know your new tribemates, what are your opinions on them now? What are your thoughts on the forced swap power? Would you use it if you got the power?
4 - One last question since the Twilight Saga is on Netflix are you excited or no?
Re: Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!
Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:20:37 pm
by Ben
1. Not really any gameplay yet. We got Kristie voted out, but just to the other tribe. I'm sure she'll be gone first with them, though.
2. A bit of a shock. Really staying true to AUS Survivor with the weird tribal council swaps. I am happy with the outcome. Kristie is gone from our tribe. Mark is here which I was excited about but have quickly learned he will be the new Kristie and almost certainly be gone first. It sucks because I thought he was gonna be my #1 but he seems to have really slowed down with activity so I can afford to lose him. I was a bit bummed to find out that two tribes weren't losing someone each. I thought I was guaranteed final 16 with an idol, but nope. Still at 18.
3. Well, I still really dig Michelle, Jericho and Jarrad. I wanna work with them. Casey I've grown to like a bit but I was about to kill this bitch when we were practicing for the challenge. We had a plan to get the fastest time and she just couldn't wrap her feeble little mind around it. Then she gets and and AFTER ONE TRY decides we need to slow down our time a bit. We got the challenge done quickly and sure enough, Tortilla ends up doing our plan and winning. I was gonna end Casey but fortunately, the challenge didn't really mean much for us, so it's forgivable. So for me, it goes Mark gone first and then try to get Casey out if it comes to it.
4. No. Only saw the first Twilight and it was pretty good until the vampire shit started which was like 30 mins in to the movie. I don't give a shit about those movies.
Also, I think I have pink eye so I really hope that doesn't fuck things up for me with timing for stuff. This shit is digusting. My eyes are crying puss and crusting up at night.