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Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:14:57 pm
by Anders Ofvergard
Hej mates! So sorry for my disappearance and delayed confessionals but I’m back beautiful than ever

1 - How did your first week of gameplay, challenges, tribals, and blindsides go? Happy to finally have a weekend break?

2 - Congrats on your first win as a new tribe! What's your plan moving forward? Win, win, win no matter what? Or do you think you would still be in a good position if you lose?

3 - Now that you actually have some time this weekend to get to know your new tribemates, what are your opinions on them now? What are your thoughts on the forced swap power? Would you use it if you got the power?

4 - One last question since the Twilight Saga is on Netflix are you excited or no?

Re: Episode 06: Its a Weekend Getaway!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 3:09:37 pm
by Baden
Why hello! It sure was quiet this weekend. I should've just enjoyed it but I was paranoid the whole time something massive would drop!

1 - I'm still here, so I must be doing something right! I've got great working relationships with Daisy, Ross, Kylie, Tegan, and David, and have spent some time getting to know Michelle and Sharn, so I've got plenty of allies to turn to when we merge. I worked a lot of hours over the weekend so it was good to have a little break. Just maybe warn a guy next time we have some down time so I don't with about a lack of announcements? :zany:

2 - I wanna keep winning! The less I go to tribal, the more allies I have going into another swap, or the merge. Survivor is all about the numbers, after all, and I wanna be the one that's got them in my corner! If we lose, I don't think I'm going anywhere, but you can never be too certain about that. Better safe than sorry. In Australia, everything wants you dead.

3 - Can we please just.... not use it? Kylie and I are already wondering about another swap at 14 before we finally merge, but I'm not sure what's gonna happen and that worries me. In a game where nothing is certain, you need to be able to hold on to the few things you already have that won't change.

4 - I don't use Netflix so not really? I'm more excited about Paramount+ having Drag Race and Big Brother. Please don't disqualify me...

I'm also realizing it's been a bit since my last rookie guess... How about Mark? Thanks guys!