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Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:01:33 am
by Lara Álvarez
Hola castaways! Lo siento por the late confessional post, your favorite hostess de España needed a siesta! Pero, we hope you have been spending your time getting to know your new tribemates after tonight’s SWAP! :shock: :mindblown:

Entonces, Qué pasa?!!! :tea:

1. Were you expecting a swap? Is this welcome news, or did you feel like you were in a good position in your old tribe?

2. Give us a rundown of your new (and familiar) tribe mates. Who stands out? Who are you not very excited to see?

3. Double tribal tomorrow?! Things are really ramping up! Are you worried about attending tribal council so soon after a swap? What will you base your decision off of?

As always, you may submit guesses for the aliases of your tribemates (your current ones only), and the new player to gain coins! Due date at challenge results time, per usual.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:33:01 am
by Baden
My first Stranded swap! I'm so excited to make it to the next stage of the game! I miss my purple buff, but this tribe of new Tortillas is so much fun!

1 - I had a feeling the swap would come at 18. The secret swap power mentioned that it would shuffle us into three tribes, and out of 24 players total, 21 seemed way too early, and 15 seemed way too late. I really miss Daisy and Michelle, and of course I miss Harry too, but I'm happy to have Ross with me after saving him there. I think he and I can be capable of a lot of good plays between now and the merge.

2 - Like I mentioned earlier, I'm instantly drawn to Ross since Daisy and I threw him a bone at the last Tribal. I think we've got a good thing going here! David seems really smart too, and Kylie appears to be pretty challenge driven. While talking with Ross, apparently we both had the same idea that David hinted at, with both of our pairs aligning to form a majority of Tortillas. We're not only pairs in the new tribe, but also both of our original tribes are down a player from pre-swap votes, giving us another reason to work together for our mutual benefit. That would leave Tegan and Sharn as easy votes, without causing a huge divide. Ideally, we win a bunch of Immunity Challenges and don't need to worry about it at all, but if we do end up back at Tribal, at least we've got options. Six people still isn't a very big tribe, so anything's possible, but I'd rather have a safety net than be all alone. I got the chance to talk with Tegan for hours about life, and some mutual interests, and I really do feel lucky to be on a tribe with her! It's always fun to have a friend to talk about Drag Race with, but it evolved into something so much deeper than that, with both of us getting to discuss living as LGBT+ people, and appreciating the variety that life has to offer, and I think this is gonna be a relationship worth fostering even after the game ends. I met Sharn briefly, but didn't get the chance to talk with her much. She seems nice too, but I'm not quite as attached to her as I am to Ross or Tegan right now.

3 - Please Dear Arceus keep me out of Tribal! It's already stressful enough and Thursday nights are rough on my availability. Having two tribes going back there is really intimidating, but Kylie is a great team captain for practicing the challenges and making sure we're going in with only our best, so I have faith we can pull this one off!

Time for another random guess at the newbie! Today I'm gonna guess that Tessa is the rookie. One of these days, I'll figure it out... I told the other Tortillas about my findings with Kristie and Jericho both being off the list, so hopefully I can reconvene with some of them to mark off even more names.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:33:13 pm
by Baden
So we did a great job on the challenge, I think. Results aren't here yet, but if one of those tribes can beat 29 seconds, they've honestly earned it. It was great to work with Ross, David, and Kylie all together like that (just one happy accident that perfectly pairs up that ideal core alliance I talked with Ross about last night) and really bond as tribemates.

After we submit for the challenge, Tegan comes up to me and shares her two Idol clues with me? Like, yes please! She really does trust me that much right now, and that's something I wanna keep confidential, even from Ross. I got to bounce ideas around with her a little bit, and I offered to reimburse her for the third clue if we get it tonight. If I'm the one to find the idol, especially with her help, that's gonna be a huge advantage to play if things get tight in case of another swap, or the merge. For now, I just need to bide my time for a bit and see what the results of the challenge look like.

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 9:08:34 pm
by Baden
3 seconds.... We won by 3 seconds! That's all we needed to keep this train running! After chat comes back online, I'm gonna keep talking with Ross, Kylie, and David to solidify that core alliance of pairs, and continue working with Tegan to try and find that idol! The fact that she came to me with those clues shows she really trusts me, and that's both a friend I genuinely enjoy talking to, and a number I wanna keep in my back pocket for a rainy day.

The tribes might still be small, but I'm finding my niche with core alliances, secret side allies, and closer friendships than I ever got the chance to build last time. I haven't played an ORG in several months before coming back to Stranded, and the past year for my ORG history has been full of flopptacular early boots that made me feel like such a failure at the one thing I can turn to when my work schedule makes it impossible to have a life offline. Now that I have a real taste of success, I want this emotional high to last all game!

Re: Episode 05: Don't Do the Harry!

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:34:45 am
by Baden
I was wondering all last night why it was taking so long to see who would get voted out.... Now that I'm looking at it this morning, it looks like Mark and Kristie switched tribes? I'm wondering how that's gonna play out whenever it gets announced, but it's the little details you've gotta look out for to make sure you're on too of that game. What are guys doing out there that I can't see?